Disabled And Unable To Get Your Benefits?

We Can Help. 765-668-7531

How The VA Has Gone Virtual In The Time Of COVID-19

The Veterans Administration has adjusted how it does business to limit exposure to vulnerable veterans and to avoid spreading the novel coronavirus.

Veterans now have the option to make virtual appointments and take care of business without the risk of infection during a widespread pandemic. Many in-person services are available via the phone or online.

Some changes the VA has made in order to better serve you:

  • Disability benefits examinations conducted through tele-conference compensation and pension exams – to obtain necessary evidence for your compensation and pension claims.
  • Information collected by phone to process fiduciary claims.
  • Uninterrupted GI Bill payments made so students continue to education benefits, regardless of changes from in-person to online learning.
  • Phone and online counseling services offered to support students pursuing education.
  • Informal hearings conducted by telephone or video conferencing.
  • Virtual briefings and specialized counseling provided for transitioning military personnel.
  • Teleconferencing assistance provided to connect with vocational rehabilitation and employment services.

In this time, despite the threat of COVID-19, you should still have access to your basic VA benefits.

If you are an Indiana veteran of the U.S. military, there are resources that can help you through this chaotic season. Seek the aid of a qualified professional for more information, or contact your local VA.
