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Category: Veteran Disability Claims

Why is your SSDI application getting denied?

Availing access to Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is an essential lifeline for many disabled workers that relies on this income to support themselves and their families during challenging times. However, the national approval rate for initial applications for SSDI

Your Social Security Disability Application

If you are injured on the job, having access to Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits may be your and your family’s lifeline. However, obtaining SSDI benefits is subject to strict rules and documentation. Thus, it is crucial to avail

What Do I Need to File for Social Security Disability Benefits?

Filing for social security disability benefits requires that the applicant present the following documentation: Social security number Birth certificate A completed Adult Disability Report. This report details the applicant’s illnesses, injuries, conditions, and work history. A copy of the report