Practice Areas
- Veterans Disability Claims
- Social Security Disability (SSD)
- Social Security Disability – An Overview
- What Are Social Security Disability Benefits?
- Who Is Eligible For Social Security Disability Benefits?
- Social Security Disability Claims Process
- The Decision And Appeal
- Frequently Asked Questions About Social Security Disability
- Social Security Disability Resource Links
- Personal Injury
- PACT Act: Updates to VA Benefits

What Is An ALJ Disability Hearing?
If your application for Social Security benefits was denied and your request for reconsideration also resulted in a denial, the next step is a Social Security Disability hearing in front of an administrative law judge. This will occur at the Office of Disability Adjudication and Review (ODAR) in either Fort Wayne or Valparaiso, Indiana.
These hearings are where the lawyers at McKown & Myers, LLP have found the most success in helping disabled people like you get the necessary benefits.
Know What To Expect At A Disability Hearing
At the beginning of a hearing, the administrative law judge (ALJ) will review the issues in your case and interview you and any available witnesses.
In addition, the judge may request that other witnesses come forward to testify, including medical and vocational experts.
Any answers you or witnesses provide are given under oath.
As your legal representatives, we will also interview any witnesses and submit documentation into evidence to support your claim.
Disability Hearing Time Frames
We understand that you have already been waiting too long for the Social Security Disability (SSD) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits you need. Unfortunately, the waiting time for an ALJ disability hearing can vary widely. With more than 30 years of experience on our side, however, we know how to spot opportunities for expediting your hearing or on-the-record decisions when they appear. We want to get you through this as quickly as possible.
Preparation For The Hearing
Careful preparation is necessary if we are going to achieve success at the hearing. Our attorneys will gather all of the necessary documents to prove that you need the requested benefits. They will also prepare you personally for the hearing.
While we have done hundreds of these hearings, we know that this is your first. You may be nervous. You are going to be asked questions. We will prepare you for these questions and educate you about exactly how the hearing will go. By knowing what to expect, you will find that your stress level will decrease significantly.
When the time for the hearing comes, we will stand by your side. We have a strong record of getting benefits for disabled people at the disability hearing stage. You can count on us to put forth every effort to make your ALJ disability hearing a success.
What Happens If Your Claim Is Denied?
While we make every effort to help you succeed at the ALJ disability hearing level, some claims are still denied. If your claim was denied at the disability hearing, we will advise you on your best options for moving forward — either requesting a review by the Appeals Council or filing a new application.
Talk to us about your case today. Call 765-668-7531 or contact us online for a free initial consultation.