Practice Areas
- Veterans Disability Claims
- Social Security Disability (SSD)
- Social Security Disability – An Overview
- What Are Social Security Disability Benefits?
- Who Is Eligible For Social Security Disability Benefits?
- Social Security Disability Claims Process
- The Decision And Appeal
- Frequently Asked Questions About Social Security Disability
- Social Security Disability Resource Links
- Personal Injury
- PACT Act: Updates to VA Benefits

How We Work With Vocational Experts In SSD Claims
People are often worried about the role of the vocational expert in a disability hearing. They think that the expert is there to oppose them, to prevent them from getting the Social Security Disability (SSD) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits they need. That is not the case. The vocational expert is a neutral party present to help the judge determine whether you qualify for SSD or SSI benefits. In fact, a skilled Social Security lawyer can use the expert as a witness for the claimant.
At McKown & Myers, LLP, our skilled Indiana SSD lawyers know that the vocational expert is a powerful tool we can use to make disability hearings a success. We know how to use that tool on your behalf to help you get the benefits you need.
Role Of The Vocational Expert In Indiana SSD Cases
The judge will ask the vocational expert questions about jobs that exist in the real world and what the requirements of those jobs are. We will have questions, too. For example, we may ask how many of the jobs the expert says are available tolerate absenteeism at the level your medical condition would require. Through the vocational expert, we will paint a clear picture of your ability to work.
The judge and the Social Security Administration divide jobs into categories:
- Sedentary
- Light
- Medium
- Heavy
- Very heavy
On paper, some jobs may appear to fall into the light category. The judge may take this fact for granted. We will not. We will ask questions of the vocational expert showing that a specific role was not light, but actually medium or heavy. We need to make certain that the physical demands of your past work are completely understood. If you worked a heavy job, we do not want the judge to look at your case as if you were doing light work, which would cause him or her to think that you could easily step back into the same career. We will take great care to make certain that the vocational expert is used properly in your case.
Talk To Us About The Role A Vocational Expert Plays
Call an attorney at our Marion law firm today at 765-668-7531 or contact us online.