Practice Areas
- Veterans Disability Claims
- Social Security Disability (SSD)
- Social Security Disability – An Overview
- What Are Social Security Disability Benefits?
- Who Is Eligible For Social Security Disability Benefits?
- Social Security Disability Claims Process
- The Decision And Appeal
- Frequently Asked Questions About Social Security Disability
- Social Security Disability Resource Links
- Personal Injury
- PACT Act: Updates to VA Benefits

Obtain Social Security Benefits With Help From Seasoned Lawyers
If given the opportunity, almost all of us would work to provide for our needs and the needs of our families. Because people may suffer an unexpected injury or illness and not be able to work to support themselves, Congress passed laws to provide a safety net. That safety net comes in the form of Social Security benefits.
At McKown & Myers, LLP, our Indiana Social Security benefits attorneys understand that accessing that safety net can be extremely difficult. With more than three decades of experience on our side, we can help.

Who Is Eligible To Receive Benefits?
The first question most people have is: Am I eligible ? We can answer that question, educating you about the eligibility requirements of the two forms of Social Security benefits:
- Social Security Disability (SSD) claims
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI) claims
We will take the time to educate you upfront about the disability benefits claims process.
We Guide You Through The Appeals Process
Applications are simple, but most result in denied claims. When claims are denied, the process becomes more complicated. We handle disability claim appeals and all related matters, including:
- Reconsideration
- Disability hearings
- Expediting your hearing
- Denied claims at the administrative law judge (ALJ) level
- On-the-record decisions
- Applying for both SSD and veterans benefits
An Extensive Array Of Social Security Services
While our goal is to get you the benefits you need, other issues may need to be addressed to further that goal or simply to help you, such as working with your doctor and educating you about the role of the vocational expert, the role of medical experts and the question of ability to work.
We assist people seeking benefits because of physical and mental impairments of all types. This includes those on the Social Security Administration’s listing of impairments.
We frequently handle cases involving injuries and illnesses that are not clear-cut, including those that come with pain, fatigue and hard-to-measure symptoms such as back pain and psychological disorders. Even if your disability does not fit nicely within the impairment listings, we can help obtain the Social Security benefits you deserve.
Get Answers To Your Legal Questions Today
Call our attorneys from anywhere in Indiana toll free at 765-668-7531 or take a few moments to email us to set up a free consultation. We represent clients from Marion, Fort Wayne, Gas City, Wabash, Hartford City, Huntington, Alexandria, North Manchester, Jonesboro and throughout Indiana.