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Veteran’s Disability Benefits

A disabled person is entitled to several Social Security benefits, particularly if they become disabled while working. Therefore, it is essential to understand the procedures and standards used by the Social Security Administration to determine eligibility for disability benefits.

Veteran’s Disability

A disabled veteran is eligible for Social Security disability compensation. Based on disability, veterans, their wives, and their children can receive various VA compensation benefits. Two forms of social security benefits exist. This is the social security disability, known as SSD, and social security supplemental income, also known as SSI. A person is eligible for Social Security disability benefits if they have accumulated enough credits and are still covered throughout the application period. It is not dependent on the recipient’s income at the time of receipt. SSI, or Supplemental Security Income, is a benefit the social security administration provides to those who are no longer covered during their application period. SSI eligibility is dependent on a recipient’s income.

The disability must result from the veteran’s military service, and compensation depends on the condition’s nature and severity. A veteran must pass a three-part examination to qualify for compensation. The present condition must be due to an accident, illness, or incident while on military service. There must also be medical proof of a relationship between the current disability and the in-service occurrence. 

Social Security Disability Insurance

The majority of workers contribute to social security via payroll taxes. Congress established the social security system to provide disabled or retired employees with a monthly stipend. To be eligible for SSDI disability payments, an individual must have worked long enough to be covered. The eligibility requirements are based on income and length of employment for everyone, including veterans. Veterans are eligible for SSDI and SSI benefits as well as VA benefits, and they can claim both. A person must also be deemed disabled by the Social Security Administration, and their condition must have become debilitating within five years of the date they were last covered, which is often the day they stopped working. The monthly SSDI payment will vary based on the veteran’s earnings and length of employment. When one begins receiving SSDI, some family members may be eligible for payments.

On their record, payments may be awarded to their spouse, divorced spouse, children, disabled child, or an adult child who became disabled before age 22. As a beneficiary of SSDI, the veteran is entitled to some health insurance benefits. After 24 months of receiving SSDI, a person is qualified for Medicare. A veteran who is employed and receives SSDI may still be eligible for Medicaid under the health benefits for employees with disabilities program. 
